Old Trail Town Museum

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Old Trail Town Museum

Bob Edgar, a native of the Wyoming Big Horn Basin, had developed an interest in archaeology and history at an early age. After exploring much of the region and having spent seven years working as an archaeologist for the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Bob realized that the old historical buildings and associated material were rapidly disappearing from the landscape.

In the spring of 1967, the work began to gather the historical buildings and relics to be displayed at a site on the west side of Cody. This was the area Buffalo Bill and his associates had chosen for the first town of “Cody City” in 1895.

Many of the buildings were taken completely apart, moved to the new site and reassembled. The Old Trail Town collection now consists of 26 buildings, which date from 1879 to 1901, one hundred horse drawn vehicles, an extensive collection of memorabilia from the Wyoming frontier and authentic Indian artifacts.

Old Trail Town is the largest collection of its kind in Wyoming.

Harold and Meriam

For a photographer, this place presented an incredible variety of photographic opportunities. I decided not to post them all…

I love this photograph!

This is what the insides of a sheep wagon look like. Remember our story about the guy we met who lived in one of these all summer?

If you look closely, these are old teaching charts. The one on the right is an assignment of how to relate to the Indians.

Which one is the moose?

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